At Triumph Social, we write your stories, post your content, devise targeted Facebook and Google Adwords campaigns, and distribute news about your company to leading news outlets. Multi-platform social media & content marketing. We get results!
Earned Media/Media Relations

CTV Vancouver Island:
Becoming a contender
When Meliah Motchman
started swimming in the
open ocean, she felt the
sort of fear that’s accompanied
by the soundtrack to Jaws.

Susan Simmons begins a 24-hour swim
from Victoria to Port Angeles and back
A crowd of supporters gathered at
Ogden Point on Saturday afternoon
as Susan Simmons, a Victoria
ultra-marathon swimmer, prepared to …

B.C. Chinese community raises over
$50,000 for museum destroyed
in Lytton fire
British Columbia’s Chinese community
has donated $51,500 towards the
rebuild of Lytton’s Chinese History
Museum, which was destroyed along
with much of the town …